5 weeks ago
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
It Arrived!!!
after months of waiting, my steel chastity belt has finally arrived! I tried it on yesterday, a bit of a tight fit (I have gained weight since I ordered it) but it works great. Will upload pics of me in it soon.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I am still waiting for my steel chastity belt. Since I was not updating the counter (on orgasms), I have changed it to the time I have been waiting for my belt. Some self chastity play, but not as much fun when you know you can get out. lot of fantasy and jerking off. will try to update this blog more often. Pics are of the belt I ordered with the radial lock.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
fucked K real good last night. She came hard, then I did. It was wonderful. Still I wonder what it would have been like if after she came she told me to stop and did not allow me to cum. feeling fairly submissive today, but stuck at work.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I have been very horny lately. K is not much in the mood to be dominant, so most of my chastity play has been fantasies. I am still waiting for my steel belt, have ordered the radial lock. She will be going away in June (weekend with the kids), when she does I am going to lock my belt on and hide the key in her car. I will have no way out until she gets home!!! Will take pics and let everyone know when that happens. Meanwhile, I wait and fantasize.
Does anyone know any new chastity sites or blogs?
Get to edge myself all day, K and I will fuck tonight!!!!
Does anyone know any new chastity sites or blogs?
Get to edge myself all day, K and I will fuck tonight!!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
dealing with the department of motor vehicles
Had to go to the DMV this morning, ran into a huge hassle, really upset my day. On a brighter note, K and I fucked. She had been on her period so we had not had sex in over a week. I was able to keep my hands off myself since Wednesday. would like to re find the gadget for counting since last orgasm, seemed to have broken and not be relisted. if anyone knows, reply here. Still waiting for my steel belt.
Monday, April 27, 2009
He's BACK!!
Thank you all for your patience. Do to personal tragedy, I have not been thinking along these lines. Thankfully, everything worked out for the best. Now I am waiting for my steel belt to arrive. I have removed the count down from last orgasm feature, it was not working correctly. Anyone with a link for a better one, please let me know. Regular updates (hopefully) to follow.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
life returning to normal
tried to sleep in this morning, but K woke up pissed off (not at me, but about my son's injury). He is doing well, at home, resting. Once she calmed down we had sex. I can't call it making love, because it was purely physical. She was not really in the mood, but I went down on her and we proceeded from there. I wish she was more Domme and could tell me know. Or better yet, have me please her and leave myself high and dry.
thanks to the people that wrote expressing their concerns. Really looking forward to life getting back to normal.
thanks to the people that wrote expressing their concerns. Really looking forward to life getting back to normal.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lack of updates
I am sorry for the lack of updates, however my wife and I are dealing with a personal tragedy. My son suffered a brain injury on Monday and is in critical care. He is stable but has a long way to go to recover. Will write again when things settle down.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Saturday mornings
K and I have a ritual of sorts on Saturday mornings, we sleep in, then make love. This morning I made sure she came first, then I got on top, wrapped her around me, and had her bite my neck as I came (with her permission). It was wonderful.
still waiting on my steel chastity belt (should be next month). will let everyone know how that goes.
More to come soon.
still waiting on my steel chastity belt (should be next month). will let everyone know how that goes.
More to come soon.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Catching up
Sorry for not posting for the past few days, I got busy at work. First, let me catch everyone up on my recent activities. Wednesday, K and I fucked. She was very horny, I made sure she came first, then I asked her permission before I came (I wish once she would say no).
Yesterday, I spent a lot of time in and out of various ball stretchers (some of them tend to let one of my balls slip out). I got so horny that at the end of the day I 'had' to jerk off. It was a very good cum.
Today I am behaving myself. Some edging but no cuming. I am waiting for the steel chastity belt I ordered, probably won't arrive before tax time.
Still searching for more chastity blogs and videos. If anyone knows of any, please let me know.
Yesterday, I spent a lot of time in and out of various ball stretchers (some of them tend to let one of my balls slip out). I got so horny that at the end of the day I 'had' to jerk off. It was a very good cum.
Today I am behaving myself. Some edging but no cuming. I am waiting for the steel chastity belt I ordered, probably won't arrive before tax time.
Still searching for more chastity blogs and videos. If anyone knows of any, please let me know.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Had the opportunity to jerk off during my lunch break, spent it looking at porn and bringing myself to the brink, but not cumming. Must have gotten close half a dozen times. Have been reading a lot of other people's blogs on chastity, some hot stuff out there. It seems a lot of men have the same problem I do, the desire to be locked up but a partner with little to no interest. Finished work late, more tomorrow
Monday, March 9, 2009
I hate Mondays (doesn't everyone?) Busy day at work, still got home relatively on time and made dinner for the kids. (K makes her own dinner). Have been wearing a ' bull ring' ball stretcher most of the day. It feels great. I am thinking of buying a few more of these. Feeling very fat, overate this weekend. As far as chastity is concerned, I am still trying to figure out how to discuss the topic with K. She is usually sexually submissive, though she is dominant in other aspects of her life. I have seen her be sexually aggressive but only with other women. At least I have been able to keep my hands off my dick today.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
updates etc....
Yesterday AM K and I made love. It was gentle and tender and loving. No way she could have been domme, she was my girl and I was her Man. Makes me wonder if I am ever going to get up the nerve to talk to her about holding my key. What I want (and hopefully she agrees too) would be for us to have our current relationship with the exception of her holding the key, preventing me from masturbating. Eventually, I think she would began to take advantage of the situation and become more and more dominant.
This morning I am wearing 2 neoprene ball stretchers and a neoprene cock ring (pictured). Feels good, tight. Need to keep stretching my balls.
I heard back from the birdlock people, no good suggestions. If I decide to modify the device I will let everyone know and show pics of what I did (if it works).
addendum: after wearing the ball stretchers and cock ring I got so worked up that I 'had to' jerk off. I really need to work on my discipline
ball stretcher,
cock ring,
fucked K,
jerked off,
Friday, March 6, 2009
45 minutes
(hangs head in shame) I only lasted 45 minutes in the birdlock. 2 problems surfaced, one the pants I was wearing were too tight and showed the device, since I was heading to work that would be a bad idea. Second, there was some burning sensation in my ball sack. I would have worked through that if not for the device outline showing. The most disappointing part: I was able to pull the device off. I did not have the keys (I left those at home) so I pulled straight forward and the device slipped off (with only a mild amount of pain). This is not good. If I was locked up for real I would have been able to get it off. There is no way I could have put it back on without unlocking it, so my keyholder would have known I cheated. I have written the manufacturer about the problem and will let you know what he has to say. I have an idea of combining the curve's hinged ring with the device, will play around with it this weekend.
locked up
Its early and already the day is "interesting." Yesterday I wore the neoprene ball stretcher all day, got so horny that I jerked off before going home from work. This morning I locked myself into the birdlock chastity device and left the keys at home, meaning I will be locked in all day no matter what (unless it falls off). That should make me keep my hands to myself. On another note, my Flickr account was flagged as 'unsafe' so I had to change my icon and restrict all my pictures. The day can only get better.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
life on the edge
I have been experimenting with edging, playing with myself until I am on the edge of cumming, then stopping. It is very frustrating but can lead to fantastic orgasms. The down side is, I am leaking precum, tons of it. I even thought of putting on a pad. I realize that once I am locked up for real I won't be able to play with myself at all. Still working on the ball stretching, I think it is coming along well and I should be able to use the birdlock device by next week. As for the chastity belt I purchased, sent in the measurements today, will take 4-6 weeks to arrive. The best knews is that K and I are 'scheduled' to fuck tonight! Should make for an exciting evening.
Monday, March 2, 2009
idle hands
Snow day in the Baltimore area. Very slow morning at work, then the UPS man shows up with my neoprene ball stretchers. I put one on immediately as well as a neoprene cock ring. It felt fantastic. I wore it all afternoon and when the business day was done, just had to see how well things worked with the devices in place. Needless to say, everything worked great. Had one hell of an orgasm. No real guilt afterwords, maybe I should have felt it. Will post pics of the neoprene later. K was home all day (her office was closed). She was in a good mood, I started asking her permission to do various things. I think this may lay the ground work before asking her to lock me up. Let me know what you think.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
the ball stretching is going well, in fact I was able to put on the birdlock device (pictured). I still need to work on things as it can slip off. I was unable to sleep last night, waking up at 3:30am, so I went into my den and played with myself, repeatedly getting to the edge, but not letting myself cum. I was dripping precum, but held steady. K of course, slept like an angel. Tomorrow my neoprene ball stretchers should arrive, will wear them 24/7 until things hang right.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
another saturday morning
K and I slept in and for the first time in a week, we made love. It was very nice, I made sure she came first, then I had her get on top (in a more dominant position) while I came. Afterwords we laid in bed for a while, then got dressed and worked on the house. She went out to go shopping, I went for a haircut and now am home alone. I put on the red ball stretcher as soon as I got back, it is becoming easier to wear.
in other news: I won a stainless steel chastity belt off of ebay (pictured). I am waiting for the seller to contact me for my measurements, he said that it would be 4-6 weeks for delivery. Hopefully it is of good quality and fits well.
To my readers: please leave your comments and ask me questions!!! I want to know what you think.
ball stretcher,
chastity belt,
fucked K,
metal chastity
Friday, February 27, 2009
doing it yourself

I really wanted to start on the ball stretching, so I took a metal ball stretcher that I had (was too big, kept slipping off) and plastic coated it with dip from Home Depot. It came out great and holds really well. you can see in the pictures the red and the bolts. These pics were taken a few minutes ago with my phone, so they are not the greatest quality, but they are of me. I am not wearing any underwear today, so my balls can hang as I walk and hopefully stretch. Am remaining chaste (voluntarily), mostly because I know K and I will fuck tomorrow morning. My balls burn slightly from the device, but it is not bad at all, kind of a reminder of what I am doing.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
head strong

Now dear reader I have 2 challenges for you, first: How do I find someone to seduce my wife?
Second, if someone send me 10 questions to answer I will publish the questions and answers in my blog.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
fell off the wagon
Had to stay home this morning from work (to let a repairman in), had the house to myself, you can guess the rest. Had a good cum after rubbing myself almost raw. I really need to be locked up and under control. Waiting for my ball stetchers which should arrive March 2, 2009.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
another day of edging

I really wanted to cum today. Stroked myself right to the edge multiple times but held back. I would love to be locked in my new birdlock, but still can't get it to fit correctly. I searched the internet, the best solution is to stretch my balls until they hang lower. I ordered some neoprene ball stretchers (pictured), will let everyone know how it works out. Found another chastity blog, youngsubhub, he is having the same problems with the birdlock. Finished work late, now off to a meeting.
Monday, February 23, 2009
The universe if conspiring to prevent me from cumming. Yesterday, K got her period. I had a lazy afternoon, and as usual, was looking at porn. I started to jerk off and every time I was ready to cum, something interrupted me. Once it was the kids, once it was K. No one caught me, but I had to stop and start over. Finally I gave up. This morning, before work, I was playing with myself, but could not finish before I had to leave. Just to really get the point across, my birdlock chastity device arrived today! I put it on immediately (pics to follow). so much for cumming.
As for the birdlock, it was difficult to put on because my balls ride very close to my body. like most non belt devices, a certain amount of hang is assumed, which I do not have. I probably should work on that, putting a ball stretcher on before work. Once I wrangled it on, it was comfortable. Will let everyone know how it goes.
As for the birdlock, it was difficult to put on because my balls ride very close to my body. like most non belt devices, a certain amount of hang is assumed, which I do not have. I probably should work on that, putting a ball stretcher on before work. Once I wrangled it on, it was comfortable. Will let everyone know how it goes.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday morning

woke up this morning and K and I had sex. she had some difficulty cuming so she used her rabbit vibrator while I watched. when she was done I fucked her until I came. This made me think that if she was my Mistress, she would have made me watch her cum then not allowed me to do anything. I am trying to get her to be more assertive in her everyday life, she tends towards the passive aggressive method of getting her way (which she almost always does). Why can't she just tell me what to do or what she wants? Not sure if it is in her nature but will keep trying. I have listed a number of chastity blogs that I have found, let me know if you anyone knows of any others. pictured is a neosteel chastity belt that I would love to find myself in. later today I am going to try my hand at captioning some pics.
on a different note: what is the relationship between male chastity and sissification? it seems that a lot of men who are chastized are further pushed into wearing panties and other sissy type activities. I would have no problem if K ordered me to do this, I just am curious what everyone feels about the common threads.
Friday, February 20, 2009
my thanks to Aarkeybabble
I emailed aarkeybabble yesterday and he promptly replied with the answer to my quesiton: what chastity blogs and websites are you aware of?. He posted his response to me on his blog:
aarkeybabble I think you will enjoy it.
Does anyone else know any sites? I am trying to follow a few. If any readers send me a link to a chastity blog I will try to keep an up to date list. Will write more later.
aarkeybabble I think you will enjoy it.
Does anyone else know any sites? I am trying to follow a few. If any readers send me a link to a chastity blog I will try to keep an up to date list. Will write more later.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
couldn't help myself
During my lunch break today I couldn't stop myself from jacking off. I did it partly to see if things were working well (since I had a little trouble last night during sex with K). Mostly, I did it to feel good. I have all the usual post orgasm guilt. I have a business dinner tonight so I won't see K until late this evening. Will try to behave myself better.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
just got laid
just got laid today, got me a pocket full of change (my apologies to ZZ Top). K and I made love this evening, I had some difficulty getting hard (from my blood pressure meds), I offered K to be in charge of my penis. she really did not bite at the chance (no pun intended). need to monitor the situation (and get some Cialis).
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I actually behaved myself today. I had the opportunity to jerk off but I stayed my hand (literally). Am I getting more mature? I doubt it, I think I was just staying in a submissive mode, as if I was chastised. I have not received my birdlock device yet, hopefully next week. Tomorrow K and I should be having sex! Will keep track of my days of abstinence.
Monday, February 16, 2009
like most working people, I hate Monday's. getting back to the office after a nice weekend off is no fun. K and I had a great Valentine's day. Yesterday I was tempted to jerk off but decided not to (although I read a lot of porn). Today, during my lunch break, I played with myself but did not cum. For me that is an achievement. I have been looking at chastity belts on line, but the steel ones are very expensive. pictured is one from My-steele that I would love to buy. still very tempted to jack off before I go home tonight but I am not going to. I really wish I was locked up.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Just got laid
Sitting in my den, working (responding to telephone messages). K is resting upstairs. This morning, we spooned, then I made sweet love to her. lots of pillow talk, I asked her if she was in charge, she said no, the boys (our sons) are, so I asked her if she was in charge of me, she said YES!!!. I made sure she came first, then I asked her permission to allow me to cum. I figure this is a good start for preparing her to some day be my keyholder/Domme. Today is all about romance. Tonight we will have champagne in front of the fireplace, lobster, shrimp, etc... Right now I am off to make some chocolate covered strawberries.
Friday, February 13, 2009

went the whole day yesterday without jerking off! this is an accomplishment for me as there is nothing except my own will power stopping me. After work and dinner, my wife (K) and I fought a little (over some BS about new kitchen cabinets) and I wondered to myself how this would have played out if I was locked in chastity. I don't want chastity play to interfere with that part of my life (at least not in the beginning). Tomorrow is Valentine's day, a big deal for K. We promised not to exchange gifts, which means I bought her stuff and all I am getting is a card. That is as it should be. I ordered a large flower arrangement that was supposed to be delivered to her office today, then I found out (last night) that she took the day off!. Last minute phone calls to have the delivery rerouted to my home for Saturday. They were very nice about helping me and I would recommend Proflowers.com to anyone. (what I ordered is pictured above). Looking forward to tomorrow night, dinner in front of the fireplace, champagne, flowers, etc...
Thursday, February 12, 2009

last night, while having sex, I asked my wife if she wanted to be my Queen or my princess. (I was trying to find a more Domme side of her). She said "My Queen" which I took as a good sign. Further she said "I am in charge of everything anyway." Now if I can just have her bridge the gap to taking charge of my penis. I have ordered the Birdlock chastity device (pictured) and will wait for it to arrive before asking. It should be more comfortable than the CB2000 (which I put on before work). I was going to wear that too work but chickened out.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
First post
I am sitting in my den, waiting while my wife (a personal trainer) works with her client. Tonight is the night we regularly have sex. Although I am excited, I can't help but to wonder what it would be like if she said I could not cum. We toyed with a chastity belt (from Access Denied) years ago but I was mean and she did not stand up to me. So we dropped the subject and I sold the belt. Now I want her to be my queen. She has told me she is more submissive (sexually) with men, more Dominant with women (yes she is bi). I am looking for ideas on how to broach the subject with her again.
pictured is the curve chastity device (with me in it)
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